Friday 11 November 2011

Thailand (part two)

Because central Bangkok is off limits with flooding we made the most of the suburb Lat Krabang where our hotel is. It's about 45 minutes drive from Bangkok.

After exploring some partly flooded streets we came across a beautiful nature reserve that made you forget you were surrounded by thousands of people in a busy market town.

We got about 5 minutes into the park and noticed what looked like a crocodile in the lake swimming our way. On closer inspection it was a huge water monitor lizard about 4 feet long (Lauren freaked out but I was incredibly brave). We were surrounded and lost count after we hit double figures. The place was crawling with wildlife...literally (bad cliché i know). There were chipmunks, turtles and tropical birds too.

After a few hours of enjoying the beasts and bugs we strolled back towards the hotel, risking life and limb as we dodged taxis and mopeds to cross the roads, while trying not to splash each other with dirty flood water (it turns out flip flops are not the best footwear for this scenario).

Back at the hotel we enjoyed a dip in the pool as the sun sank, and now we are going out to get some grub!

Here are a few pics...

P.S. Ray Mears here is telling you porkies, it was in fact me that was the brave one and Robin that was the wuss and ran away from the cute lizard, just thought I would make that clear ;) Ignore the frizzy hair, its the humidity ;) 

Next time we will speak to you will be after our 10 hour flight to Sydney...


  1. Most importantly Lauren, does he deserve to lose man points?

  2. Glad you have had a wonderful time how bizarre to come across a nature reserve so close to a big city.PS hair looks wonderful is Robins the same!!!!!!

  3. Robin definitely lost some man points today..I sense he will loose a few more in Australia!

    Haha thankyou Anne, my hair is out of control lol! Robins hair seems to be getting spikier the further around the world we go!

  4. I think your hair looks lovely, but what is that girly drink ?!

  5. Don't you recognise that drink?..its a Singapore Sling :) xx
