Tuesday 22 November 2011

Back From The Mountains

OK so we are a bit premature with our return from the Blue Mountains, but the weather didn't really agree with our camping plans. Nevertheless we got a few great days of hiking under our belts and saw some fantastic views along with some great wildlife.

We arrived in Katoomba, one of the main towns in the Blue Mountains National Park, and it felt like we were in North Wales. Drizzle, Mist, and more Drizzle. We checked into a hostel and waited to see if it would pass. Which it did, but not for two days. In those two days we donned our waterproofs and braved the rain to get our bearings and hopefully see some of the sights but we were lucky to see 50 feet in front of us.

The sun finally came out and the temperature soared. We were raring to get going and make the most of the weather. We walked for miles and miles each day going here and there, getting lost then finding the way again, stumbling across spectacular waterfalls and clifftop lookouts with views of the forested valleys below us. Each day the tracks we took got smaller and steeper and we saw less people, it was great to be able to experience and enjoy things that so few others get to see. The downside to this however is that the further from civilisation you go, the closer to the creepy-crawlies you get. We had a few moments between us, and have lost count of the amount of times we had to check each other for spiders after walking into cobwebs.

We have come to the conclusion that Koala Bears and Kangaroos are mythical creatures created to lure tourists into the country, we didn't see a single one! We were thinking the same for the deadly snakes until I almost stepped on one. Some locals told us it was an Eastern Brown Snake, which we later learnt is the 2nd most venomous snake in the world!

Due to our change of plans in the mountains we have brought our flights to New Zealand forward to the 25th of November. We are going to enjoy our last few days in Australia by seeing a little more of Sydney and the surrounding area, and make sure Koalas and Kangaroos exist by going to the zoo!

If not before, we will speak to you next from New Zealand!!


  1. But I thought it was supposed to rain when you went camping??? xx

  2. I know what you mean about koalas and kangaroos - I had to go to a zoo to see them!
