Tuesday 15 November 2011

G'day Mate (Hello for the non-australian speakers)

Arrived at Sydney Airport some time Sunday morning and jumped straight on a train and then a ferry which took us to Manly, a nice beachside town across the harbour from Sydney. Dumped our belongings at an apartment where Ollie, a family friend, is putting us up for a few days. Despite the Jet-lag we soldiered on and attempted to make the most of the full day we had to sample Manly.

After a good nights sleep we hopped back on the half hour ferry to Sydney, where you pass between the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge and get a great view of the Sydney skyline. We had decided to start easy and wander through the Botanical Gardens, which turned out to mean several hours walking...oh and it got up to 40 degrees! Lauren became obsessed with cockatoos and we spent about a hour sat on the grass as she attempted to stroke one by tempting it with grass. She was almost successful but the grass must not have been satisfactory, we did manage to get bitten by ants though. We had lost ourselves in the gardens for the majority of the day, enjoying the varied wildlife including flying-foxes (fruit bats) which filled the trees and began to fly around as the sun began to get low in the sky. We walked out of the gardens to the foot of the Opera House and took the obligatory tourist snaps. After walking around to the back of the building there is a fantastic view of the Harbour Bridge and after more happy snapping we moved on to grab a bite to eat and a cold drink before boarding the ferry back to Manly. We relaxed into the evening by swimming in the pool at the apartment complex and prepared for the next day.

We woke a little earlier today as we had planned a coastal walk to the headland outside Manly. We walked along beaches and sea cliffs where we saw Humpback Whales swimming offshore, and through forest and scrubland where we found an array of Lizards that scamper away as soon as you get close. The views were fantastic across the harbour towards Sydney and also out into the big, blue Pacific. We made our way back towards the town and stopped for a swim in the sea, with the crabs and the jellyfish. In the evening we went for a pizza and a beer on the wharf at the bustling waterfront, with the idea of seeing the penguins, that call the harbour home, clamber out of the sea up onto the beach....we waited for hours...they were a no show.

Venturing off to the Blue Mountains tomorrow where the real adventure begins. 3 weeks of hiking and camping! Can't wait! We might not have internet access so this may be our last blog for a few days but we'll update you as and when we can.


Coastal walk near Manly

Harbour Bridge

This is as close as we got...

1 comment:

  1. It looks terrific and Manley sounds nice, you two are having just the best adventure. Enjoy.
